All theses written in fulfilment of a University of Oxford post-graduate research degree are eligible for deposit to ORA, and it has been mandated as part of the requirements surrounding a research degree for students who commenced their study from 1st October 2007 to deposit a complete copy to ORA.

For every thesis deposited, an ORA record page is created, and this content is openly shared via the ORA API, including to specific services such as the British Library's EThOS service. The ORA Oxford Thesis Collection presents the theses available within ORA. For many of these works ORA is the only space in which the content is made available, making it a valuable resource for accessing the research being undertaken by the University of Oxford students and early career researchers.

If you undertook your research degree at Oxford and would like to make your thesis available via ORA, please see the ORA theses LibGuide for further information or contact the ORA team.