Journal article
A likelihood framework for cryogenic scintillating calorimeters used in the CRESST dark matter search
- Abstract:
Cryogenic scintillating calorimeters are ultra- sensitive particle detectors for rare event searches, particularly for the search for dark matter and the measurement of neutrino properties. These detectors are made from scintillating target crystals generating two signals for each particle interaction. The phonon (heat) signal precisely measures the deposited energy independent of the type of interacting particle. The scintillation light signal yields particle discrimination on an event-by-ev...
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- Publication status:
- Published
- Peer review status:
- Peer reviewed
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- Publisher copy:
- 10.1140/epjc/s10052-024-13141-6
Bibliographic Details
- Publisher:
- SpringerOpen
- Journal:
- The European Physical Journal C More from this journal
- Volume:
- 84
- Issue:
- 9
- Article number:
- 922
- Publication date:
- 2024-09-12
- Acceptance date:
- 2024-07-11
- DOI:
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